
作者: 出处: 凯发app平台的公告网 日期: 2018-06-07


报 告 人:孔照胜 研究员




报告人简介:孔照胜,中国科学院微生物研究所,植物基因组学国家重点实验室,研究员。中科院百人计划入选者,百人计划终期评估优秀。主要从事植物发育及免疫应答的细胞调控机制研究,在活细胞水平、以四维空间的视角探究植物细胞形态建成及免疫应答过程中细胞骨架-质膜-细胞壁连续体的时空特性与精准调控机制。在embo journalcurrent biologyelifeplant cellmolecular plantplant physiologyenvironmental microbiology等国际主流学术刊物上发表论文20余篇。多项研究发现被nature reviews of molecular cell biologyannual review of plant biologyannual review of biochemistrycurrent opinion of plant biology等高影响力杂志引用与重点评述。多次受邀在国际及国内主流学术会议上做学术报告。担任中国细胞生物学会细胞结构与细胞行为分会委员、中国植物学会植物结构与生殖生物学专业委员会委员以及中国植物生理与分子生物学会青年工作委员会委员。


wang g., wang c., liu w., ma y., dong l., tian j., yu y., and kong z*. (2018). augmin antagonizes katanin at microtubule crossovers to control the dynamic organization of plant cortical arrays. current biology, 28:1311-1317.

feng z., tian j., han l., geng y., sun j*., and kong z*.(2018). the myosin5-mediated actomyosin motility system is required for verticillium pathogenesis of cotton. environmental microbiology, 20:1607-1621.

wang c. #, liu w. #, wang g. #, li j., dong l., han l., wang q., tian j., yu y., gao c., and kong z*. (2017). ktn80 confers precision to microtubule severing by specific targeting of katanin complexes in plant cells. embo journal, 36: 3435-3447

tian j., han l., feng z., wang g., liu w., ma y., yu y., and kong z*. (2015). orchestration of microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton in trichome cell shape determination by a plant-unique kinesin. elife, 4: elife09351

liu t.#, tian j.#, wang g.#, yu y., wang c., ma y., zhang x., xia g., liu b., and kong z*. (2014) augmin triggers microtubule-dependent microtubule nucleation in interphase plant cells. current biology, 24: 2708-2713
